Digital Innovation and Startup Entrepreneurship

Digital Innovation and Startup Entrepreneurship

Inter-Institutional Master's Program in collaboration with the National Technical University of Athens.
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The Master's in Business Administration in the modern era of digital entrepreneurship!

  • Mode of Study

    Distance Learning

  • Start Date

    October 2024

  • Duration

    4 Semesters (up to 8 for part-time study)

  • ECTS

    120 Credits

Application Deadline: 8 September!




Digital Innovation And Entrepreneurship

The object of the Inter-institutional Master's Program (M.P.S.) is to provide specialized master's level knowledge in the science of Young Business Management through the approach of the theoretical and practical issues of modern Electronic Business

You will be trained to:

  • digital marketing techniques and strategies
  • business models
  • the role of information systems in the modern organization
  • digital startups
  • digital services

Skills Acquired:

  • Graduates of the Inter-Institutional Master's Program in Digital Innovation and Startup Entrepreneurship will acquire significant and substantial knowledge and skills for advancing their careers.
  • They will be able to think creatively (out-of-the-box) and operate targeting an international audience and with extremely fast growth prospects.
  • Graduates who will be distinguished will have the opportunity to discuss development prospects with cooperating companies and institutions in Greece and abroad.

All postgraduate programs of the University of the Aegean are recognized and accredited by the Greek state.

Collaboration Opportunities with Major Companies

Collaboration Opportunities with Major Companies
Collaboration Opportunities with Major Companies
Collaboration Opportunities with Major Companies
Collaboration Opportunities with Major Companies
Collaboration Opportunities with Major Companies
Collaboration Opportunities with Major Companies

Flexible Study Options

Full-Time Study

  • 4 semesters (one semester for thesis)
  • Evening online lectures
  • Teaching with modern digital means
  • In-person, only the exams at the end of each semester
  • Gradual tuition fee payment
  • Scholarship opportunities

Part-Time Study

  • Specifically for working professionals
  • Fewer courses per semester
  • Up to 8 semesters (one semester for thesis)
  • Same rights and obligations as full-time students

Application Deadline

Until September 8, 2024

Guest Speakers

Yiannis Kanellopoulos

Yiannis Kanellopoulos

Founder & CEO at code4thought

John Aslanis

John Aslanis

Co-Founder at VFLOW Services

Natassa Grigoraki

Natassa Grigoraki

Co-Founder at Women Do Business Owner at Germanos store

Eri Pavlaki

Eri Pavlaki

Co-founder Women Do Business / CEO Star Sleep

Ioanna Stanegloudi

Ioanna Stanegloudi

Co-Founder & Chief Risk Officer of Finclude | Fintech | Fortune 40U40 | Mentor

Myron Flouris

Myron Flouris

Secretary General for Tourism Policy and Development

Program Information

Program Information

Distance Learning

Courses are taught through synchronous distance learning using a platform that supports the educational process during all weeks of study for the first three academic semesters.

At the end of each of the first three semesters, in-person final exams are conducted.

The method and procedure of the final examination for each course are determined by the responsible instructor in accordance with the provisions of the Graduate Studies Regulations of the Postgraduate Program.

Full-Time / Part-Time Study Program

The full-time study program lasts for four academic semesters and is implemented in a blended learning environment with standard combinatorial forms of education, which include electronic contemporary learning processes utilizing a relevant platform that supports the educational process throughout all weeks of study in the first three academic semesters. During the fourth semester, only a dissertation is completed. Attendance of classes and participation in all kinds of educational activities, such as assignments, exercises, etc., is mandatory.

The duration of study for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma is set at four (4) semesters, with the possibility of awarding the diploma in the 3rd semester provided that the required ECTS credits have been completed.

For working postgraduate students who wish to, part-time study is available according to paragraph 2 of article 33 of Law 4485/2017 (114 A'), and its duration cannot exceed eight (8) semesters. Students in this category must be employed for at least 20 hours per week and must provide the relevant employment contracts.

Part-time study is also available for non-working postgraduate students who are unable to meet the minimum requirements of the full-time program and for particularly serious cases, such as illness, serious family reasons, military service, force majeure, for which the decision is made by the Program Studies Committee (PSC).

Course List

1st Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7001 Startup Business Management Mandatory7.5
7002 Financial Administration Mandatory7.5
7003 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mandatory7.5
7004 Digital Innovation: Special Issues and Case Studies Mandatory7.5

2nd Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7005 Startup Simulator Optional7.5
7006 Digital Marketing Mandatory7.5
7007 Digital Business Resources Management Mandatory7.5
7008 Big, Open and Linked Data Management Optional5
7009 Digital Technologies and Web Services Optional5
7010 Electronic Supply Chain Optional2.5
7011 Project Management for Information Systems Development Optional7.5

3rd Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7012 Digital Product Development Methods and Practices Optional7.5
7013 Emerging Information and Communication Technologies Optional7.5
7014 Business Analytics Optional7.5
7015 eBusiness Summer School Optional7.5
7016 Participation in Business Plan Development Contest Optional7.5
7017 Internship in a Startup or Incubator Optional7.5

4th Semester

Part time Enrollment Course List

1st Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7001 Startup Business Management Mandatory7.5
7003 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Mandatory7.5

2nd Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7006 Digital Marketing Mandatory7.5
7007 Digital Business Resources Management Mandatory7.5

3rd Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7002 Financial Administration Mandatory7.5
7004 Digital Innovation: Special Issues and Case Studies Mandatory7.5

4th Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7005 Startup Simulator Optional7.5
7008 Big, Open and Linked Data Management Optional5

5th Semester

CodeCourse TitleTypeECTS
7012 Digital Product Development Methods and Practices Optional7.5
7015 eBusiness Summer School Optional7.5

6th Semester

7th Semester

8th Semester

Course Instructors

Course TitleSemesterInstructor
Startup Business Management1st Dr. Dimitrios Sarantis
Financial Administration1st Professor Ioannis Psaras (NTUA) , Dr. Maria Flouri (NTUA)
Innovation and Entrepreneurship1st Emeritus Professor Ioannis Kalogirou (NTUA) , Dr. Evangelos Siokas (NTUA)
Digital Innovation: Special Issues and Case Studies1st Assistant Professor Alexopoulos Charalampos
Startup Simulator2nd Professor Dimitrios Askounis (NTUA) , Dr. Maria Flouri (NTUA)
Digital Marketing2nd Assistant Professor Dimitrios Drosos (AUEB)
Digital Business Resources Management2nd Professor Euripidis Loukis
Big, Open and Linked Data Management2nd Professor Dimitrios Askounis (NTUA) , Dr. Dimitrios Sarantis
Digital Technologies and Web Services2nd
Electronic Supply Chain2nd Dr. Gerasimos Kontos (Univ. of the Aegean)
Project Management for Information Systems Development2nd
Digital Product Development Methods and Practices3rd Professor Elias Carayannis (George Washington University) , Professor Euripidis Loukis
Emerging Information and Communication Technologies3rd
Business Analytics3rd Professor Euripidis Loukis , Dr. Konstantinos Pazalos (University of the Aegean) , Dr. Gerasimos Kontos (Univ. of the Aegean)
eBusiness Summer School3rd Assistant Professor Alexopoulos Charalampos
Participation in Business Plan Development Contest3rd Professor Dimitrios Askounis (NTUA) , Assistant Professor Alexopoulos Charalampos
Internship in a Startup or Incubator3rd Assistant Professor Alexopoulos Charalampos
MSc Thesis4th


The tuition fees for the Joint Master's Program are set at €4,500, which are paid as follows:

  • (a) €500 as a registration deposit within 15 days of notifying the successful candidates,
  • (b) €1,000 upon registration in the 1st semester,
  • (c) €1,500 at the beginning of the 2nd semester, and
  • (d) €1,500 at the beginning of the 3rd semester.

Participation in the examinations of each semester is only allowed for students who are financially up-to-date.

No refund of tuition fees is provided in case of deregistration according to the Operating Regulations.

In the case of reduced tuition fees, the reduction percentage is applied equally to all installments, except for the deposit.


By decision of the Special Interdepartmental Committee, special scholarships may be awarded to new entrants, reduced tuition fees may be provided, or special awards may be granted to postgraduate students based on academic, social, or other criteria.

Admission Requirements - Candidate Evaluation

The Joint Postgraduate Program accepts holders of a first-cycle degree from Higher Education Institutions (Universities and Technological Educational Institutes) of Greece, or from equivalent recognized institutions abroad, from any scientific field or discipline, as recognized by the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Center (DOATAP).

Additionally, graduates from the Higher Military Educational Institutions of the country (article 88 of law 3883/2010, Government Gazette 167 A), the Hellenic Police Officers School (article 38 of law 4249/2014, Government Gazette 73 A), the Hellenic Fire Academy's Officers School (article 69 of law 4249/2014, Government Gazette 73 A), and the Coast Guard Officers School (article 1 of Presidential Decree 75/2018, Government Gazette 145 A) are also accepted.

Furthermore, final-year students from domestic institutions are accepted under the condition that they complete their degree requirements and provide relevant certification by the registration date of the postgraduate program.

A Master's Degree is not awarded to a student whose first-cycle degree from a foreign institution has not been recognized by DOATAP, in accordance with law 3328/2005 (Government Gazette 80 A) – relevant paragraph 7 of article 34 of law 4485/2017.

The evaluation criteria for applicants are specified in article 8 of the Postgraduate Studies Regulations of the program.

The evaluation of applications will be completed in two stages: initially, candidates will be evaluated based on the information provided in their electronic application. Candidates who meet the formal requirements will then be invited to online interviews, which will take place in August.

The evaluation of applications is conducted by a selection committee composed of professors from the collaborating departments, using evaluation criteria specified in article 8 of the Postgraduate Studies Regulations of the department.

Required Documents

Interested candidates are invited to complete the Application for Candidacy, for which they will need to attach the following:

  1. Application form for candidacy submission.
  2. Detailed CV with a photograph.
  3. Photocopy of degree/diploma or certificate of completion of studies.
  4. Articles published in scientific journals or conference proceedings with a peer-review system (if any).
  5. Proof of professional or research activity, if any.
  6. Photocopy of both sides of the identity card.
  7. At least two letters of recommendation.
  8. Certificate of English language proficiency, at least at the B2 level.
  9. Certificate of detailed undergraduate course grades, including the degree or diploma grade.
  10. Certificate of Greek language proficiency for foreign candidates, if required.
  11. Copy of the thesis or its title and summary if it has not been completed, or a statement that a thesis is not required in the candidate's originating department.
  12. Any other documents that may assist in the candidate's selection, at the discretion of the candidate.
  13. Students from foreign institutions must submit a certificate of recognition of their first-cycle degree by DOATAP, according to article 34, paragraph 7 of Law 4485/17.

The application and electronic copies of the required documents are submitted to the "Nautilos" system (

Quality Assurance Policy
