
Sports and Exercise

The Department of Physical Education and Sports provides you with the opportunity to engage in various activities and events, depending on your interests and preferred sports.

Sports and Exercise

The Department of Physical Education and Sports provides you with the opportunity to engage in various activities and events, depending on your interests and preferred sports. It also aims to represent the University through representative teams in Panhellenic University competitions, the annual Cultural Week of the University of the Aegean, and European or World University Games.

In Samos, there are departments for Classical Athletics, Cycling, Tennis, Volleyball, and Basketball. Additionally, there are Dance, Chess, and Taekwondo groups. Team sports practices are held weekly, 2-3 times, at the Indoor Gym and the Karlovassi Municipal Stadium. For individual sports, university halls and private facilities are used. From time to time, students from the department have participated in Swimming, Cross Country, and Skiing competitions. Many students also participate in local championships in the Samos Prefecture.

The Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports is Evripidis Gerontis (phone: 22730 82051, 6974957246, e-mail: egerontis@aegean.gr).