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Emerging Architectures And Key Technologies For 5G Networks – AegeanNetCom2017

SCHOOL OF SCIENCES - Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering

Emerging Architectures And Key Technologies For 5G Networks – AegeanNetCom2017
  • Monday, 28 August 2017

    up to 1 September 2017

  • Samos

SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCES – Department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering
August 22 to September 30, 2017

The technology of 5th Generation networks (5G) represents the natural successor to 4th Generation networks (4G) currently utilized with technological advancements in both wireless and wired communication systems.

The objective is to provide communication services characterized by high transmission rates and extensive coverage for each user. 4G was designed to deliver specific services to users according to current technology.

However, what is more interesting is further exploration of the communication needs of each user. This proposition constitutes the core idea behind the development of 5G, namely a "Human-Centric Communication Medium" where the user takes center stage.

Another key feature of 5G is interoperability among multiple different systems leading to more advanced integration in the field of networks and communications. 5G, on the horizon of implementation, will be a system where transmission speed and coverage are not the sole criteria for implementation.

Based on this, all regulatory standards control authorities as well as global organizations for the development of new standards are setting new regulations and incorporating new technologies such as Internet of Things (IoT), Smart Energy Grid, Smart Cities, Smart Health, Machine-to-Machine (M2M), and Device-to-Device (D2D) Communications, Software Defined Networks (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV).

All these aforementioned technologies, as well as many others, can be utilized to provide improved Quality of Service (QoS) and Grade of Service (GoS) compared to the current technological landscape (offered by 4G).

As a technology, 5G does not aim directly to design and develop new communication protocols but rather to interconnect them and develop new services based on this interconnection. Taking into account the "Human-Centric model" which can be realized with the development of 5G, we conclude that 5G will offer a "Panorama of Services" towards the user's side.

From an educational perspective, this specific Summer School aims to meet this need by addressing many of the above issues through a series of lectures, workshops, and demos by distinguished professors and researchers in thematic areas such as:

  • Dense and Access Networks
  • MIMO & mmWave
  • Smart Energy Grid and Smart Cities
  • Cloud and IPv6 Networks
  • VoLTE – LTE-Advanced
  • Network Virtualization and Software Defined Networks
  • Indoor Localization
  • Network Technologies and Management
  • Cooperative Technologies

By participating in the AegeanNetCom2017 Summer School, each participant:

  • Will get to know the epitome of technology in communication systems and networks.
  • Will participate in workgroups in order to develop a clear picture of simulation processes in the field of communications.
  • Will become familiar with technological terms related to research and development in the field of networks.
  • Will learn about the lifecycle of network technologies and the upgrade techniques characterized as future-oriented.
  • Will have an unforgettable summer educational experience on one of the most beautiful Greek islands.

The program is designed for undergraduate seniors, graduate students, PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers from Universities in Greece and abroad in the fields of electrical engineering, electronic engineering, computer engineering, and communications, as well as many other subjects directly related to the field of networks and communications.

Professionals who wish to specialize further in this subject can also participate in the Summer School.

Interested parties can submit their application here and subsequently, upon acceptance, will be informed about the tuition payment process.

All educational units will be conducted in English.

All participants who successfully complete the attendance requirements will receive a "Certificate of Participation."

After completing the Summer School, all participants must prepare a written assignment (5000-7000 words) on a specific subject, with a margin of six (6) weeks after the end of the Summer School.

Upon submission of the report, participants will receive 3 educational units (3 ECTS credits). Alternatively, without submitting the assignment, the participant will receive 2 educational units (2 ECTS credits).

Important Dates:

July 15, 2017: End of Reduced Registration
August 15, 2017: End of Regular Registration
August 28 – September 1, 2017: Conduct of the Summer School

Special rates at hotels and guesthouses have been secured for Summer School participants. For more information, click here.

The venue of the Summer School is in Pythagoreio, Samos. For more information, click here.